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Create a found pet listing

Complete the form below to create a public found pet listing. Add as many details as you can to help someone find their lost pet.

Terms & conditions and privacy policy.


Contact details

Contact details

Your phone number will only be visible to others after they complete a secure CAPTCHA form.
Your email address will not be displayed anywhere on the listing
{{ }}

Contact details

Mobile number
{{ fields.guardianMobileNumber }}
Alternative number
Email address

Your phone number will only be visible to others after they complete a secure CAPTCHA form.


Found pet details

Found pet details

Add descriptions of the found pet. Include as many details as you can.
{{ errors.age.value }}
{{ errors.breed.value }}
{{ errors.colourDescription.value }}
{{ errors.gender.value }}
{{ errors.desexed.value }}
{{ errors.microchipped.value }}
Please enter microchip number in this format '123456789101112'

Lost pet details

Animal name
{{ fields.ageYears }}y {{ fields.ageMonths }}m
Bird Cat Camelid Cattle Dog Donkey Ferret Fish Goat Guinea Pig Hinny Horse Lizard Mule Other Pig Rabbit Rodent Sheep Tortoise Turtle Zebra
{{ fields.breed }}
Microchip number

Microchip already registered

The microchip you are trying to add to your listing is already registered on the NZCAR. If this animal (microchip) should be registered to your current account, please contact our support team.

In order to proceed, you must remove the microchip number you have entered, then continue creating your listing.


Listing details

Listing details

Add a photo of your pet


Upload animal image

Image size is limited to 2 Megabytes

Please choose only a .png or .jpeg image

We do not recommend adding a photo that includes yourself/family/friends. Please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Add a photo to help others identify their lost pet. We strongly encourage all listings to include a photo to help others identify their lost pets.
Describe the found pet’s details such as age, injuries, or colouring. Include as many details as you can.
To protect your privacy, we do not display your street number.
{{ }}
{{ }}
{{ errors.captchaVerified.value }}