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Code of Conduct for Approved Users

The purpose of this policy is to ensure all NZCAR Approved Users are aware of the standards of behaviour expected of them in their dealings with others, including (but not limited to) NZCAR Support Staff, registered guardians, other Approved Users, and members of the public.  

The NZCAR is intended to facilitate the recovery of lost animals by assisting those who find or recover lost animals to initiate the return of the animal to the proper owner.

This Policy applies to all Approved Users of the NZCAR (previously named ‘Agents’) including all persons who access the NZCAR on behalf of an organisation (for example, employees and volunteers). 



CANZ has an obligation to: 

  • Act honestly, reasonably and in good faith at all times with regard to its responsibilities, the interests of the CANZ and the welfare of colleagues. 
  • Provide guardians of NZCAR-registered animals a safe and effective means to store private data that will help return their animal to them, in the event the animal is found away from home. 
  • Supply the instructions and policies necessary for Approved Users to meet their obligations. 
  • Comply with any legislative, industrial, or administrative requirements. 

 Approved Users have an obligation to: 

  • Act honestly, reasonably and in good faith at all times, having regard to the purpose of the NZCAR. This includes only using the NZCAR for its intended purpose.

In utilising the NZCAR, Approved Users are expected to: 

  • Avoid behaviour which might endanger or distress others. 
  • Respect the privacy of others when dealing with personal information. 
  • Not discriminate against or harass others, including (but not limited to) NZCAR Support Staff, registered guardians, other Approved Users, and members of the public because of their gender, age, religious belief, ethical belief, colour, ethnic or national origin, disability, family status, marital status, race, political opinion, employment status or sexual orientation. 
  • Comply with all lawful and reasonable management instructions and policies. 
  • Maintain standards of professionalism and respect in their interactions where it could reasonably impact or reflect negatively on CANZ. 

You will not:  

  • Use CANZ assets (which include systems, equipment, funds and information) for personal gain or for the personal gain of another person. 
  • Use the NZCAR to access information on animals or their guardians where you have no relevant reason to access the information. 
  • Represent yourself or organisation as being employed by, endorsed by, or otherwise in a relationship with CANZ and the NZCAR, beyond being an Approved User.  
  • You will not bring CANZ into disrepute.  

You will approach issue resolution with CANZ via appropriate channels designated for addressing queries, feedback, or grievances, rather than resorting to social media platforms. This ensures that matters are handled efficiently, with due diligence, and in accordance with our organisational policies and procedure. 


Breach of Code of Conduct 

Breaches of the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary procedures which could result in termination of the Approved Users account. This may be done without notice, per our Terms and Conditions. 

 A breach of the Code of Conduct can be on the grounds of: 

  • Misconduct Outcome: Usually results in a discussion with the NZCAR Manager. 
  • Serious misconduct Outcome: Usually results in termination without further warning, with or without notice depending on the situation. 
  • Conduct detrimental to CANZ   Outcome: Usually results in a discussion with the NZCAR Manager. May result in termination with or without notice depending on the situation. 

Our ability to investigate breaches may sometimes be limited. The seriousness of the breach and subsequent actions we take are at our discretion.  



Misconduct comprises of actions or omissions which, regarded in isolation, do not warrant severe disciplinary action such as termination of an Approved User account. 

Where misconduct occurs, an Approved User will usually receive two clear warnings (usually an oral and a written) before their account being terminated. Further offences following the second warning may result in termination. 

Warnings can be for separate offences or repeated offences of the same nature, such as (but not limited to): 

  • Failure to comply with policies and instructions or guidelines given by NZCAR management. 
  • Misrepresentation of the Approved Users relationship with CANZ. Including but not limited to: over-promoting access or abilities on the NZCAR. 


Serious Misconduct 

Serious misconduct is behaviour that undermines the agreed relationship between the Approved user and CANZ, and/or seriously threatens the wellbeing of staff or the public or causing reputational risk to CANZ. 

If we consider an Approved User is guilty of serious misconduct, their account may be terminated without warning. 

Where an Approved User is suspected of serious misconduct, their account may be suspended for an undefined period pending investigation. During this time the Approved User may be able to continue with their purpose of getting lost pets home using via our support office using 0508 LOSTPET.  

Examples of serious misconduct include (but not limited to): 

  • Refusing to carry out lawful and reasonable instructions. 
  • Falsifying any information, records or other documents. 
  • Assault. 
  • Disclosing confidential information to an unauthorised person. 
  • Conduct that may bring CANZ’s reputation into disrepute. 
  • Acting in a negligent, reckless or careless manner which could potentially or actually result in injury to another person or animal. 
  • Conduct that is likely to cause any employee, member, customer or supplier of CANZ embarrassment, loss of dignity, feelings of intimidation or loss of opportunity, including all forms of harassment, bullying or discriminatory behaviour towards any person. 
  • Using abusive or offensive language or behaviour. 

Personal behaviour of Approved Users that does not impact on the CANZ is of no concern to CANZ, except where it interferes with or reflects on the standing or integrity of the CANZ, bringing CANZ into ‘disrepute’. 


Associated Policies and procedures